FCC Growing Kidz Child Development Center
Policy regarding infant/preschool Waiting List
Children must be enrolled for 5 full days.
Tours must be scheduled in advance with the Director.
A non-refundable processing fee of $50 must accompany the waitlist form in order to be placed officially on the wait list. (payment can be made by check and mailed or through the website under the donations & fundraiser tab.) Checks made to FCC-CDC. Mail to FCC Growing Kidz, 222 E. 5th Street, Tulsa, Ok. 74103
The Families are officially placed on the wait list according to the date the waiting list & $50 processing fee were received by Growing Kidz.
Payment of the $50 wait list processing fee does not guarantee a space in the Center. It only guarantees that you will remain on the waiting list until your child can be placed or you inform Growing Kidz that you do not wish to remain on the list.
Upon notification by the CDC Administration that a space is available for your child, a tour will be scheduled. If you accept the space, the enrollment process will begin.
Upon acceptance of the available space, the Enrollment Procedure will be given and a date set to pay the enrollment fee of half a months tuition & a one time registration fee of $100 for the space. The enrollment fee/registration fee is not refundable unless for some reason the CDC cannot honor the commitment. The enrollment fee will be applied to the first month’s tuition once your child has begun in the classroom. ½ the monthly Tuition is due at the 1st of each month and the second half by the 15th of each month.
The child’s start date is agreed upon and usually coincides with the date the space becomes vacant. Tuition begins accruing on the start date, regardless of when the child actually begins attending. This guarantees the space to your child. Due to demand, spaces cannot be held open without payment. If a Family declines to pay tuition from the start date, the space will be offered to another family.
If a family declines an offered space, they may move to the bottom of the waiting list, or have their names removed. Names may be removed at any time. We appreciate prompt notification if you wish your name to be removed.
Request For waitlist at Growingkidz
Today’s Date:
Child’s Name: Birthdate: Sex if known: M F
If the child has not been born, what is the due date:
Date you would like services to begin:
How did you hear about FCC Growing Kidz?
Preferred Monthly Tuition Payment Method:
Personal Check Automatic Bank Payment State Subsidy
Home Phone:
Father’s Name: Cell: E-mail:
Father’s Workplace: Work Phone:
Mother’s Name: Cell: E-mail:
Mother’s Workplace: Work Phone:
Additional child(ren) you wish to enroll:
Name: Birthdate:
Name: Birthdate:
(For Office use only)
Waitlist form & processing fee were received by the FCC Growing Kidz Office on:
$50 Processing fee: Cash Check #: Website:
1st contact: Status: Keep on list: Y N
2nd contact: Status: Keep on list: Y N
3rd contact: Status: Keep on list: Y N
Additional information:
Space has been given: Y N Services to begin: Classroom: